Yes yet again my pitiful attempt to keep this blog updated had failed yet agian and I have realized that there is about 2 months that I know need to catch up...sooo here we go.
April we had Australia Day...yes Trent I know WAY late but take that up with AusCham. As per usual the Aussies put on a great party =) There was free flow wine, beer and food! The entertainment was great however what they palyed is a little foggy, but from the pictures we clearly had a great time!
Possible the worst part of rainy seaon is that floods are not uncommon! Vietnam as it is still is developing doesn't have good draining systems in place to handle the heavy rains. I was used to the raods and everything flooding,however I was not ready nor impressed by the flooding that occured in our house! I would be a little more forgiving if the flood was like a normal flood at the bottom of the house. However the flood accured from the Top (my room) down. The rain was so heavy that the water couldn't drain from the balcony of my house, so with no where to go it invites itself into the house/my room. The only reason we knew that my room was flooding was because there was so much water that it started to come down the stairs like a water fall!! Which sounds cool... when its not your house! I finally got my room mopped up but I am pretty sure that I had used almost all the towels in the house! I've posted ome of the pictures that Janny took of me while I was cleaning .. Too bad you can't really see the amount of water.