Well I have finally arrived in Saigon, and almost settled in!
The city really is great, a whole new world compared to little Hanoi. I love Hanoi, but it's nice to be in a sunny city, which is booming and has a little more active community and night life.
My house is great, I will get some pictures up soon. I am renting a room from Michael ( my Intern Counterpart in Saigon) girlfriend Kim. The house is really nice, it's 5 stories, I'm on the 4th. I have a great sized room with a nice bed, mosquito net and a great bathroom, with a bath tub! A luxury over here. I also have my own balcony which is huge and the washer is on my balcony which is convenient. My favorite part is the balcony on the top of the house (5th floor) it's huge and you can see the whole city which is lovely. The house is better designed than my last one the living room and kitchen are on the same floor and separated by a waterfall. Yes that's right a waterfall... ha ha I will take pictures of it in action it's impressive. My roommate Jenny is very nice. She is from Singapour, she owns her own business here and works for a local magazine. She is away traveling for the next month so I am actually home alone in the house for a month.
The traffic and city is a little more controlled than Hanoi, the drivers are not so crazy, the roads are bigger and it's really just civilized. So I decided that I would actually drive a bike, more than the few select times that I drove in Hanoi. So I have been borrowing Kim's bike for the day to test it out, and see if I want to rent from there. It was ok I was doing great....till I burned my leg on the exhaust..so now I have a lovely "tattoo" on the back of my calf. It's fairly common so I guess I am just fitting in hahahaha!!
I'm heading out to Mui Ne this weekend with some of the Ultimate crew for some beach Ultimate and drinking! Mui Ne isn't far away from here so we rented a mini bus and are trekking out. I'm sure there will be many adventures to be had. Lester has informed me that he will be bringing his Dejembe, he provided me with a picture (see below) as I had no clue.

Hope everyone is well...miss ya...stay tuned for the Mui Ne Adventures!!
Love Sarah/BC